Мисъл на дните...
"Любовта живее от детайла и действа като микроскоп"
Хосе Ортега-и-Гасет

събота, 22 август 2009 г.

Аризонска мечта

Axel Blackmar: What do you think?
Grace Stalker: About what?
Axel Blackmar: About us kind of belonging together?
Grace Stalker: What about this lamp? You think Paul will like this lamp?
Axel Blackmar: Yea, he'll-he'll love it. What do you think?
Grace Stalker: I think two wrong don't make a right.
Axel Blackmar: Meaning what?
Grace Stalker: Meaning us: two wrongs.
Axel Blackmar: What if we're not? What if we're two rights and everybody else is wrong?
Grace Stalker: Either way we're gonna be screwed, Axel.